Friday, February 12, 2010

Minds in Motion Awards

If you know of a student who could benefit from this award, please forward the following information. We have potentially deserving students who could meet this criteria. Learning Disability includes dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, Aspergers....

The Minds In Motion awards were established to help with the costs of tuition, specialized software, tutors, note takers and other essential accommodations that are needed so that students with learning disabilities can achieve their potential at school.

Note: Applications must be received on or before April 17, 2010 to be considered for funding for the 2010 – 2011 academic year.

The Justin Eves Foundation supports the Minds in Motion Awards Program. It is the sole Foundation in Canada providing financial assistance for students with learning disabilities.Students may apply for either a scholarship or a bursary to pursue a post secondary education at a college or university. To be eligible for a Minds in Motion award, a student must:

* have a documented learning disability
* be an Ontario resident
* attend a high school in Ontario
* be applying to their first university or college degree/diploma

A scholarship of up to $3000 may be awarded annually. Bursaries are awarded for the first two years of college or university. In choosing recipients, the committee considers the followings:
* community/school involvement
* academic performance
* post secondary courses chosen
* financial need (bursary only)
* efforts made to overcome learning difficulties and achieve success

For further information/application form.

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